Atrás ni para agrar vuelo.....

Hay muchas maneras de caerse, el ego, inventará una y otra creativas formas de hacerlo. Pero no solo eso, sino, que además las justificará cada una de esas caídas.
Debemos aprender a ser responsables de nuestras decisiones, pensamientos y palabras. Para no ser víctimas y culpar a la crisis, el presidente, etc...
Debemos de permanecer de pie y nunca dejar de ver el Gran Objetivo Espiritual de Humanidad. La Gran Obra.
Cada uno con sus virtudes y características que con tanto Amor Dios nos ha proporcionado para servirnos entre nosotros.
Paz Profunda.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

(Hara) Abdomen Chakra

Orange Chakra

Also known as: Sensation Center, Spleen Chakra, Hara, Svadhisthana 
Body Mind Associations:
Location: The center of the abdomen
Color: Orange
Parts of the body: Reproductive system, sexual organs, lumbar plexus
Endocrine gland: Gonads
Sense: Sense of taste, appetite
Consciousness: This chakra is associated with the parts of the consciousness concerned with food and sex. It is about the body's communication to the Being inside, about what the body wants and needs, and what it finds pleasurable. The person's ability to have children is also associated with this chakra. If there is not a clear relationship with the element of water, associated with this chakra, the person's relationship with water is a reflection of their relationship with the parts of their consciousness associated with this chakra, i.e. food, sex, or having children.
This chakra is also associated with the emotional body, and the person's willingness to feel their emotions.
Element: Water

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