Atrás ni para agrar vuelo.....

Hay muchas maneras de caerse, el ego, inventará una y otra creativas formas de hacerlo. Pero no solo eso, sino, que además las justificará cada una de esas caídas.
Debemos aprender a ser responsables de nuestras decisiones, pensamientos y palabras. Para no ser víctimas y culpar a la crisis, el presidente, etc...
Debemos de permanecer de pie y nunca dejar de ver el Gran Objetivo Espiritual de Humanidad. La Gran Obra.
Cada uno con sus virtudes y características que con tanto Amor Dios nos ha proporcionado para servirnos entre nosotros.
Paz Profunda.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010


The different ways of manifestation of the egos, the “I’s”, the Maya= illusion, etc… will continue to take us apart from the Source from the Reality.
There so many ways of being away from the source, like, eating junk, using chemicals (drugs), fornication (please do not get me wrong with this one, I will pass info of sacred Sexuality after), bad words, alcohol, bad- low frequency of thoughts, etc…
The ego= illusion= maya, will continue their purpose of stealing our selves from Reality..
And what is Reality then?
Real Love, (the reason why I say real, Is because I noticed in western countries, that we misuse the word Love, even to say things like; “I love those shoes”, “I love this, that,bla, bla…”, and that is why I write Real Love.  Compassion, understanding from the heart, flowing with the waves of life, Thinking of God, (It does not matter the religion), and speaking of God, (When was the last time you spoke about God, and the Virtues?).
We have to become again a link to God, in order to connect the others to the Divine, and that is why we should become the link. We are the link when we remind the others about the Mission=Dharma, of serving the Spirit. How do we serve the Spirit? Becoming the Sprit. How do we become the Spirit? When the Spirit expresses using us. And how is that? How do we know who is using us… darkness or light? Simple!!! When there is doubt, is darkness.  When we KNOW, is the Spirit. The Spirit NEVER doubts, never fears, never thinks twice. The Spirit is wise because is connected to the Wisdom, and the Real Wisdom is connected to the Divine Intelligent Eternal Source.
This might not sound so nice for many, and is maybe just, not the time for whoever, but still we cannot keep the secret any longer.
There is a very important source of connection to plug ourselves to the Great Consciousness, is called Kundalini Energy. (Shiva – Shakti).  There are 72,000 energetic lines called nadis, they are located in our energetic body. They provide the prana (vital energy), to keep us alive. But there are 3 basic nadis, that are located in the spinal cord. Ida, Pingala and Shushumna. They are the ones that awakens the Kundalini Energy, and when the Kundalini is awaken our State of consciousness is totally open and we become One with the Divine Source. Is when we have the Spiritual eyes wide open to be able to see the maya = illusion, vs. the Reality = Divinity.
Why does not everyone have the Kundalini awaken? Because we waste the energy in superficial wordly stuff. Like:  worries, junk food, lack of real communication with the living beings (Mother Nature), fear, and all the manifestation of the darkness = Matrix.
But the most important to keep us away, is the fornication. What is fornication? What is Sacred Sexuality? What is Maithuna Yoga? What is Kundalini vs. Kudartiguador?
This information was kept is schools of Spiritual Initiations, in Egypt, Peru, Mexico, Guatemala, China, Tibet, India and the old civilizations. Like Mu, Atlantis,  etc… This is not new information, but new for many. This information is not planetarian is from a star system is called Pleiadians, some of us believe that the frequency of those stars created this humanity. Siva was in charge to bring to the Planet all this information for us. But the dark sources, kept the people in ignorance and doubt. Is then when we got lost, and lose our Spiritual memory. We are here to help, to recover that lost memory.
And still… knowing does not mean becoming. We become when we practice.  And we practice when we become.
Let’s get to the point!!!…, (ready or not I will share this with you)…
The semen (everything is applied the same for females), is a substance extremely treasured for those who know. That is why they do not waste it!!!  Is like flushing Gold to the toilet, who would do that???!!! Our own Gold is the sexual energy. When it becomes fluids while the sacred sexuality intercourse, the first chakra awakens. But then what? Stays there? How do we bring it up to the 7th chakra? Why do we want to do that? Well, the 7th chakra is the one that links us straight to the Eternity/Divinity/Source/Love/God/etc…
Ever felt that when you had a genital orgasm is like a release of energy? Yes? Well, that is exactly what it is. Is a release of energy a waste of energy. Why do we want to waste it then? Because we are so identified to the physical body, and so little identified to the energetic body, that we do what it feels “good” to the physical body. And that’s why we eat like pigs, fornicate like dogs, think like monkeys, etc… we become all that when the Kundalini is not awaken. When the consciousness is awaken we can not even say a bad word. It just feels wrong. Makes sense?
So then what? Well, there is something is called Tantra, be carefull because there are many “tantric” teachers, I would like to call them Wolves with a sheep custom, they say to teach tantra, and they do, but there are other types of tantra, like black and grey. Differences: (very important to know), Black tantra: they fornicate eyaculating almost with whoever, no love involved, and other dark super dark practices like orgies, and others even darker practices. Grey tantra: (Gurus of the New Age teach), They are open to eyaculate or not, just be free, be yourself, and express yourself, show the love, with one or more. Is tricky because they use the word love, so we think is fine, but is it true love? Why do we need to have sex with more than 1 person when we REALLY LOVE SOMEONE? I leave that answer to your True Self, not the ego.
White Tantra: We do not have genital orgasms. We storage the energy in us, we do not waste it. We sublime the Energy with specific breathwork (pranayama) during the intercourse with 1 couple, the right person, not just anyone. Is not for fun, is something Sacred. We use mantras with the lover to connect both at the same time to the Source.
How is that possible??????
EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE~~~!!!!! Specially when you had experience it in your own ethereal and physical body. Is not because we read it in a book, is because we practice the Maithuna Yoga = Tantra, in our own laboratorium which are ourselves.
Ok, let’s continue … before is too late.
How to do? People that took the Reiki course with me, remember about the breathing from the 1st chakra to the 7th? Same thing!!! But with your couple during intercourse, ok, one more time!!! Here we go…, we focus our energy in the first chakra (genital area), press sphincters, and inhale, keep your chin tuck and the tongue on the top of the roof of the mouth, keep inhaling, keep pressing sphincters… inhale, inhale, inhale, meanwhile you imagine/see how the energy  travels upward towards the 7th chakra (the crown of the head), then…Hold it, hold it, hold it, relax sphincters and exhale now this is the thing, and this requires practice and the right couple, (Not everyone is willing to, specially men), But ok, let’s continue with this… when she inhales, he exhales, and that is how we create like dynamo between both. Creating 1 energetic being of consciousness, (consciousness because both are doing it with consciousness), we help to “burn “ karma with this practice as well. We become strongers, and the very very very few men that I know that are tantric, have very different conversations and are extremely interesting people, because they vibrate different. Obviously!!!
The tantric people that I know look younger, and have longer endurance for the sexual intercourse, obviously because, their goal is not to have a genital orgasm, the goal is every little second of connection. And to love with all they are, all they have.
With focus. Inner strength, (real strength not just physical), Breathing properly,  (the way I explain), (but there are other tantric breathings), and if you are very close to have the genital orgasm  stop and breath, breath and breath…, stop, help your lover when you see that he or she are about to lose the energy. And stop with him/her. Work together on this. You are couple do not forget!!
What if your couple does not want to? FIND THE RIGHT ONE!!! (haha).
One day I asked this to someone that knows, because I was willing to, but my couple, not really because he was not breathing properly so, instead of bringing the energy to the 7th chakra (sublimating the energy), he was keeping it in the lowest triangle of chakras… so he had pain in the testicules almost all the time. So, I just decided to find someone that would be ready…. Wish me luck! Haha.
Ok, what I’m trying to say, is that for a spiritual growth we move on. If the others want to stay in their believes but you are ready, sad but true… move on!!!
There’s more fish in the ocean, we need the right one!!! We all do!!!
Why do I say genital orgasm? Is there an other? Yes!!! Genital is just in the genitals and it feels so good, right??? But we have something ever better, that when you experience it, you will Never ever again would like to have a genital orgasm, We call it the Cosmic Orgasm!!!
I remember one day I saw how my 7th chakra opened widely and I saw with my spiritual eyes, how the Cosmic energy and me, became One, it was one of the most incredible experience I ever had.
Bothers and sisters: If you want to know more about Maithuna Yoga (sacred Sexuality), You can get the books of Samel Aun Weor,
Ignorance is not a path.
Thursday, December, 31st, 9:00pm, Fukuoka, Japan.

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